Being a father, especially when you did not expect to be, can raise all types of questions in a man’s mind. You may be contemplating what type of father you would like to be, or what type of discipline is appropriate at each age, or how to deal with co-parenting.
You may not have had a father figure in your own life or didn’t have one that you looked up to as a positive role model. You want to be the best father you can be, but you may have questions on how to go about it.
Taking part in Compassion Women’s Center’s Practical Fatherhood’s one-on-one or small group learnings can answer all these questions and many more for you. You may also be paired with a mentor who has successfully raised children and is willing to share his experience and knowledge with you.
All parenting and practical fatherhood classes are evidenced-based and are created using scientific studies and outcome-based, positive research that will help you make sound parenting decisions. All classes and the mentoring program are free of charge.
There is no reason for a dad to struggle with how to be a good parent. Allow Compassion Women’s Center’s male volunteers help you learn the best principles for being a father and a role model for your child. Sign up today to join a class.
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” – Pam Brown